Our Fees

For a full description of our fees, please refer to our Client Agreement.

There are three different fee types:

Initial Fees: this is the amount that is payable for arranging, setting up and implementing an agreed recommendation. How this is paid is dependent on the type of advice given.

Ongoing Fees: this is the amount payable for the ongoing service, review, analysis, design and recommendations offered throughout the lifetime of your investment.

Responsibility Fee: this is to cover the costs incurred in relation to our operational, FCA and insurance fees, which is broadly calculated by how much funds we have under advice. The fee itself differs depending on which model portfolio service you use and will be detailed on the Suitability Letter you receive.

Initial Fees

The initial fees payable are:

  • 3% through your recommended investment platform on investments upto £250,000 reducing to 1% on any sums above this amount
  • The same charges apply for additional lump sum contributions and/or regular ongoing contributions
  • 3% for the purchase of an annuity through the open market option (OMO)

Initial fees are subject to minimums:

  • £500 minimum fee for setting up a new investment / pension through your recommended investment platform
  • £1000 minimum fee for transferring funds from an existing investment / pension through the investment platform
  • £1000 for the purchase of an annuity through the open market option (OMO)
Tax Planning

Ongoing Fees

  • 1% per annum on investments up to £500,000
  • 0.85% per annum on investments greater than £500,000 and up to £1,000,000
  • 0.7% per annum on investments greater than £1,000,000

The ongoing advice charge will be based on the collective value of assets of those residing at the same address. The charge will be applied to the whole value and taken monthly in arrears.

Saving for children or grandchildren

Responsibility Fee

This applies to all ongoing platform fees where the investment recommendation taken uses one of the Cheetham Jackson’s Model Portfolio Services, on the AJ Bell platform. The fee itself is either 0.07% or 0.1% depending on the service used.

For example,

  • if this applied and your assets were £100,000, the responsibility fee would be £70 or £100 per annum
  • if this applied and your assets were £300,000, the responsibility fee would be £210 or £300 per annum
  • if this applied and your assets were £750,000, the responsibility fee would be £525 or £750 per annum
  • if this applied and your assets were £1,250,000, the responsibility fee would be £875 or £1,250 per annum
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Cheetham Jackson Our Client Agreement. Learn More
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